Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Project Based Learning

I have been rather silent the past few weeks because I have been attending a class and working on a grant project all about Project Based Learning.

Now that my brain has had sufficient time to defuse from the massive information overload I would like to share some of the things I gleaned from the experience. Granted, I am only just heading into the school year, with a head full of ideas and plans. I haven't experienced PBL first hand yet, but I am very excited about the possibilities for my class and my students.

Okay, so you are probably scratching your head and asking "What is PBL?" PBL or Project Based Learning is kind of flipping the traditional teaching style of the "Sage on the Stage" on its head and turning more towards "The Guide on the Side." In PBL the teacher presents the class with a driving question (the fuel for the project) and allows students to have "Voice" and "Choice" in how they work to answer the question. This allows the students the opportunity to learn hands on. I know, it is a terrifying idea to turn the learning over to the students this way. But, I am

Your are probably asking, "Why would I want to do PBL; I heard it is TONS of work!"

PBL can be overwhelming to say the least. However, there are tons of tools out there that can help you. One excellent site that can get you started is BIE.org. I won't dump tons of others on you at this point, only because if I do, your brain may explode with possibilities and excess information. But, the BIE site has lots of resources and information available for free. One of the nicest pieces is actually a customizable search of Project Based Learning ideas for your classroom by grade level and content area.

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